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The Full Story

                     Beyond the Ordinary:
   How to Think Creatively and Organize Your            Thinking While Planning for Your Future

Understand the Brain So You Can Understand Behavior

Strategic Design and Creative Thinking for Collaboration and Problem Solving

How to Use Critical Thinking to Collaborate and Develop Solutions to Complex Problems

Solving Complex Problems With Strategic and Design Thinking

Did you notice that making decisions is is not as easy as it once was? In the past you would whip up a few solutions to just about any problem and you would be on to your next task. The last few years you may have realized that society is becoming more complex and solutions to problems are not that easy to solve. You also may have realized that solutions to problems also lead to unintended consequences which make your situation worse than it originally was. I have good news for you. You are not alone in this thinking. Just ask a few friends or associates and you will find that they are running into the same realization that simple solutions are not capable of tackling todays complex problems. This program will deliver a clear path to understanding how to confront todays complex and intertwined problems. You will learn how to approach problems that you have to solve on your own or within a group setting.


Decision Making, Team Work and Leadership  

Improving Productivity with Three Quick Steps to Creative Problem Solving 

From Conflict to Cooperation ...How to Mediate a Dispute

What do heads of companies, comedy writers, advertising executives, certified fraud examiners and customers and parents have in common? Creative problem solving! When used correctly the same techniques used to reduce conflict resolution, run a company, improve sales, write a joke, launch an ad campaign, problem solve, think beyond the ordinary and raise a family are very similar. In addition to learning these three techniques that will give you the ability to invent solutions to personal and corporate problems, you will also learn the techniques of parallel thinking. With parallel thinking you will no longer have to argue in the board room or the family room. Parallel thinking will lead you to solving problems together and uniting to arrive at mutually beneficial solutions.


Getting Along with Difficult People 

There are two types of difficult people we periodically encounter. There is the perpetually difficult person and the situationally difficult person. The perpetually difficult person seems to have adjusted to a life of misery and is not shy about sharing their portion of gloom with the rest of the world. The situationally difficult person cannot wait to get back to a life of contentment . as soon as you right their perceived wrong. Understanding that both your perpetually and situationally difficult nemesis are thinking with the emotional section of the brain called the amygdala will help you win them over, so that no matter what the cause of angst and belligerence, victory and understanding will be shared by all. This portion of the seminar will not only explain the physiological makeup of difficult people, but will also describe specific steps to actually change the biochemistry of your object of frustration.

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