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How to Prevent School and Horizontal Bullying and Promote Team Building

Stop Bullying Now

Just as you cannot solve a problem until you know what is causing that problem, you cannot stop horizontal bullying until you know what is going on inside the brain of a bully. This program will explore what motivates a bully to act out on fellow fellow employees and will demonstrate simple but powerful behavior modification techniques to go inside the brain of the bully and change their behavior. As a bonus you will also discover creativity techniques to give you the tools necessary to getting along with difficult people and to solve not only work place bullying but many dilemmas in your community. 


Getting Along with Difficult People while Learning how to Make Friends with Stress

Overcoming Aggression at School

In order to get along with difficult people we must learn how to center ourselves and stay in a positive emotional frame. Within one hour you will learn how  your children’s and your own emotions interfere with critical thinking and how to harness the power of the Pre-frontal cortex for intelligent and creative problem solving. You will also discover how to teach them to disarm confrontational behavior and how to turn potential adversaries into respectful partners working toward a common goal. Topping off this seminar will be information on the power of humor and its role in diffusing difficult situations and turning frustrating experiences into humorous dramatization.


Decision Making, Team Building and Leadership  

Improving Productivity with Three Quick Steps to Creative Problem Solving in Long Term Care

From Conflict to Cooperation ...How to Mediate a Dispute

What do heads of companies, comedy writers, advertising executives, coordinated school health professionals and parents have in common? Creative problem solving! When used correctly the same techniques used to run a company, improve sales, write a joke, launch an ad campaign, get along with others and raise a family are very similar. In addition to learning these three techniques that will give you the ability to invent solutions to personal and corporate problems, you will also learn the techniques of parallel thinking. With parallel thinking you will no longer have to argue in the board room or the family room. Parallel thinking will lead you to solving problems together and uniting to arrive at mutually beneficial solutions.


Diversity ... Don't Deny Our Differences. Discover and Enjoy What Makes Us Unique 

We are all the same and do you know what? We are also different. There is nothing wrong with that. The only reason we become sensitive to this issue is because we are frightened to talk about our differences and don't even know how to start a conversation on what makes us unique. Learn how to bring down the barriers and discuss our knee jerk reactions to one another. We will also journey into the brain to see what brain structures are activated when our thought processes begin to stray into areas that make us uncomfortable.


Diversity ... We are more alike than we Realize

The most important thing to remember when it comes to cultural diversity is that we are more alike than we are different. By using techniques such as parallel and lateral thinking and understanding the differences and the nuances between the thinking or creative brain and the emotional brain, employees from various backgrounds can learn to coexist and thrive in the work environment.


Diversity ... Learn to embrace our differences                                                    

Isn't it astounding how people of various cultures may clash in the workplace but then these same people will travel thousands of miles to another country and embrace the differences of the people in another land? Multigenerational conflict arises in the workplace but then grandparents and grandchildren cannot wait to visit each other on the holidays to learn about the different generations. Let's save on travel expenses and let's not wait for the holidays to learn about other cultures. Let's learn how to appreciate the differences in each other in the workplace.  


Diversity ... Don't Deny Our Differences.

Discover and Enjoy What Makes Us Unique 

How to Overcome Our Cultural Bias

We are all the same and do you know what? We are also different. There is nothing wrong with that. The only reason we become sensitive to this issue is because we are frightened to talk about our differences and don't even know how to start a conversation on what makes us unique. Learn how to bring down the barriers and discuss our knee jerk reactions to one another. We will also journey into the brain to see what brain structures are activated when our thought processes begin to stray into areas that make us uncomfortable. We will also take a real life look into our natural bias and will dissect the differences between implicit, anchoring, confirmation and our very own bias blind spot biases.



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